
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
ILANA believes that America’s open, even-energetic support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza is a defining event in the annals of American foreign policy, and that this failure is qualitatively different from blunders that went before. In its role in Gaza, Uncle Sam has finally achieved an official or formal inversion of all decent, universal values.
Former supporters of Israel, like ilana Mercer, David Vance and Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, are aghast. Can we claw back from the precipice?
DAVID believes that US Foreign Policy in almost every respect is self-defeating although perhaps that is the aim. David makes it abundantly clear he supports Israel wiping Hamas off the face of the earth but he does NOT support the mass punishment of the people of Gaza.
To ilana’s question, “Is Gaza much more than an American foreign-policy failure,” Mr. McAdams, who co-produces and co-hosts the “Ron Paul Liberty Report” with Dr. Paul, replies, however, with considered calm and wisdom. Mr. McAdams proceeds to shepherd viewers of the HARD TRUTH podcast through the ins-and-outs of US foreign policy and the crooked dynamics at play among lobbyists in Washington D.C. and beyond. To counter ilana’s gloomy Cassandra—and bolstered by a deep grasp of the American System as it is and as it should be—Daniel melds principle with policy in presenting a way forward:
“A prosperous America is profoundly linked to a foreign policy rooted in peaceful relations and trade with all. With peace, comes real prosperity.”
Daily, over decades, alongside Dr. Ron Paul and independently; Daniel McAdams has done the work of the Lord in explaining to a stiff-necked people, Americans, why current US foreign policy is antithetical to peace and prosperity; to life and liberty, at home and abroad.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
CONNECT WITH ILANA: Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian think piece since 1999. Her new book is ‘The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy’(February, 2024). She’s the author of “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011)), and other books. Mercer is described as “a system-builder. Distilled, her modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events.”
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
RELATED READING: https://ronpaulinstitute.org/jewish-supremacism-like-american-exceptionalism-breeds-barbarism/

Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Iran Tries To Restore Balance; Israel Continues To Murder And Get Away With Murder
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
HARD TRUTH’S David Vance and ilana Mercer have a heated discussion about Iran’s April 13 & 14 response to Israel’s murder of senior commanders in Damascus, April 1. Ilana details Israel’s lengthy illegal, immoral and extra-judicial assassination program https://www.ilanamercer.com/2020/01/u-s-globes-judge-jury-executioner/ against Iranian civilians and military for decades, coupled as it is with Israeli cyberterrorism ongoing against Iran’s infrastructure and state apparatus. All this occurs against the backdrop of a USA-led brutal program of sanctions and embargoes, and Israel’s US-backed barbarism in Gaza and the West Bank. https://www.ilanamercer.com/2024/03/israel-violation-gods-law-natural-justice-laws-war-customary-international-humanitarian-law/ .
Both agree that the Israel First neocons have always aimed at regime change in Iran.
David, however, pushes back on and suggests that darker forces are deliberately pushing global chaos. He suggests that war was wanted with Russia and now war with Iran is being provoked. The US/NATO axis of evil has its DNA all over this – as has the corrupt Netanyahu regime. David and ilana also agree that it was Netanyahu who terrorised his own people with Covid jabs from his Pfizer pals.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it! Having built large social media platforms across the likes of X/Twitter, Gettr, Gab, Rumble, Youtube , he has a significant share of media voice. In recent times, he has co-hosted major live political discussions on stage in London with leading thinkers and has plans to further develop this concept.
He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel.
Contacts: X/Twitter https://twitter.com/DVATW
Substack https://thedavidvance.substack.com
Rumble https://rumble.com/c/DavidVancePodcast
Website https://davidvance.net
CONNECT WITH ILANA: Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian think piece since 1999. Her new book is ‘The Paleolibertarian Guide To Deep Tech, Deep Pharma & The Aberrant Economy’(February, 2024). She’s the author of “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011)), and other books. Mercer is described as “a system-builder. Distilled, her modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events.”
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Hermetically Sealed Indictment Of The Jewish Taliban’s Mass Murder In Gaza
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
Thursday Jan 25, 2024
As always, HARD TRUTH’S David Vance and ilana Mercer arrive together at the truth about Gaza.
Ilana says ( https://www.ilanamercer.com/2024/01/memory-indictment-todays-jewish-taliban-not-israel-grew/ )
that it is inarguable: The case against Israel’s murder spree in Gaza is ethically simple, and not within the realm of opinion. It is immutable, eternal truth that: Right and wrong are universal, not relative. There are no tribal privilege clauses: Like gentiles, Jews are prohibited from mass murder. The Sixth Commandment (“Thou shalt not murder”) is neither opinion, nor is it optional. What Israel has visited on Gazans and their little enclave is irreparable, orgiastic mass murder and ethnic cleansing; a blitzkrieg whereby Gazans have been bombed, buried alive, then evicted for life.
David pushes back by saying that Hamas are a terror group that should be wiped off the face of the earth but he also emphasises collective punishment is always wrong. David does agree that Israel has a right to self defence but it has to be carried out with concern to the civilian Gazan population.
REALTED READING:https://www.ilanamercer.com/2024/01/memory-indictment-todays-jewish-taliban-not-israel-grew/
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yw9ww6ry

Thursday Nov 02, 2023
How To Defeat Hamas And Stop The Carnage In Gaza
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
HARD TRUTH sees David Vance and ilana Mercer catch up with each other three weeks into the Israel/Hamas catastrophe. Has Netanyahu desecrated the memory of the Oct. 7th martyrs and created new martyrs in Gaza, via his crude response to the Hamas massacre? Has Israel’s PM isolated Israel and squandered the sympathy toward the Jewish State, following Oct. 7? Ilana argues that needed was a smarter, more effective response that targets only the culprits of Oct. 7, not innocents. She outlines such a response. David agrees that cutting off the head of the Hamas snake alone will not stop it regrowing. In all circumstances, ilana and David both agree that US/UK interference in the region is not helpful and that Regionalism always beats Globalism. They also agree that Hamas should be destroyed but the question is, ‘How is this is best achieved’?
To receive ilana’s essay on the topic, please add your email to ilana’s newsletter https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/ .
To support David, please bookmark his website DavidVance.Net
#Hamas, #Israel, #Gaza, #IsraelAtWar, #Hostages # IntelligenceFailure, #1973 #Netanyahu, #Globalism
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yw9ww6ry

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Hamas, Israel And The Anatomy Of State Treason
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
HARD TRUTH with David Vance and ilana mercer deconstructs Hamas's low-tech invasion into southern Israel and the massacre of hundreds of its civilians. Witnessed in Israel on October 7 was the forsaking by the State of its most elementary—and only—obligations to the citizenry: Defend their natural rights to life, liberty and property.
In a perspective like no other; HARD TRUTH examines the complete failure of the Israeli State apparatus, the IDF and intelligence community being the face of the State. We anatomize the backdrop to Hamas’ pogrom, including the geopolitical and domestic forces at play, as well as the fraught history of the Gaza strip. Ilana lived through the 1967 and 1973 wars in Israel; David through the 40 year IRA terrorist onslaught in Northern Ireland. Our hearts ache for victims of barbarians wherever they are. Nevertheless, examine we must the “ethics” of collective punishment by the State.
To receive ilana’s essay on the topic, please add your email to ilana’s newsletter https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/ .
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yw9ww6ry

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
King Tuck’s Transformational. DeSantis Cows to Israel. Roger Waters Refuses.
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
That Tucker was/is transformational is what David and ilana argued on the April 25, live, “Hard Truth” podcast
(https://rumble.com/v2kbeyc-tucker-removed-by-fox.-robert-kennedy-jr-against-the-deep-warfare-woke-indu.html), recorded a day after Tucker Carlson’s dismissal. We got it right. Tucker, like Trump, we contended, is transformational. Fox was finished. Our forecast proved predictive. We discuss developments since.
HARD TRUTH had given Governor DeSantis top marks. https://rumble.com/v1th20q-trump-trashes-a-triumphant-desantis-gloves-coming-off.-climate-conference-i.html But has the governor been a bad boy? Flying to Israel to sign legislation for America? Legislation that may impact speech? What’s that all about?
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yw9ww6ry

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Fox News removes the only reason for watching Fox News, Tucker Carlson is out! Meanwhile the remarkable Robert Kennedy Jr. announces his 2024 presidential campaign. One need not agree with every word Kennedy spoke in a pellucid address almost two hours long, delivered extemporaneously, to grasp that, on the defining issues of our times, all of which Kennedy addressed in depth and detail, Robert F. Kennedy is right and righteous.
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Twitter: https://Twitter.com/DVATW
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/RealDavidVance
Website: https://davidvance.net
Columns: https://www.ilanamercer.com/weekly-column/
Subscribe: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
Blog : https://barelyablog.com/
Books: https://tinyurl.com/d36rtt8u
Podcast: https://rumble.com/c/HardTruthPodcast
LinkedIn: https://tinyurl.com/yu6268at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer
Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yw9ww6ry

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Oh What Wonderful Wars: The West’s Lying Warlords
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
ilana questions US belligerence against China whilst being buoyed by African resistance to US foreign policy diktats. David exposes Covid lies and distractions peddled by the spineless media.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Steamrolled By The Abrams: Republican Cretins Swallow Classified-Doc Bait
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
The Stupid Party has swallowed the bait Democrats laid. Republicans are orgiastic over the Democrat-orchestrated ouster of Biden over classified documents mishandled. Where along the continuum of cretinism is the GOP currently perched? “Trump did it right” but “Biden did it wrong”. They make ILANA sick. David offers daggers to the media-military-congressional-industrial-complex sending their latest to Ukraine to bait the Russian bear.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
The D-Bomb Has Dropped & Why ‘Mixed-Race’ Is Really Black
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
ILANA refuses to dish anything but reality about the future of the United States from the vantage point immigration. She explains why the DEMOGRAPHIC tipping point has been reached, with reference to the exponential nature of America’s annual intake of legal and illegal immigrants, and immigration law, for which the Uniparty is responsible. Broadly speaking, anyone (other than white South Africans) can claim “credible fear” at the US south-western border, and must by law be given safe passage. That, combined with family unification policies—one legal immigrant brings in a tribe—and birthright citizenship, a legal aberration practiced by no serious country, have made population replacement a fait accompli, a done deal. Don’t despair, Americans; look to localism, counsels ilana, who further dispels, with chapter and verse, any illusions that life-long dissidents have representation on Fox News. Had we listened to Tucker Carlson's resident COVID expert, Dr. Marty Makary, a Jonny-come-lately on all matters COVID, we’d be vaccinated. Fortunately, we ignored his ilk. Ilana closes by pointing out why “mixed race” racism-spotters like Markle and Obama identify exclusively as black. Meanwhile, David suggests that it is NOT a coincidence that the West is embracing the means of its own destruction and that since demography IS destiny the inevitable must happen. Further, the UK is changing dramatically and many major cities are now white minority. This is celebrated in liberal salons but then they fear to walk the streets. David expresses his contempt for King Charles the WOKE.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Musk Restoring Twitter. Treason On The Border; GOP MIA
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
As Elon Musk starts the restoration of Twitter, David is pleased to find his account is back! It's a long way to go but it's a start. ilana highlights the utter failure of the GOP to go after the right targets. Forget Hunter and his laptop, go after Joe Biden for treason. David and ilana both agree that in the UK and US, the political "elite" have zero interest in protecting our borders
Also available on:
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AvzJckkDQe5t/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Hard_Truth:0
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
In our latest Hard Truth, David and ilana debate Donald Trump’s public attack on Ron DeSantis on the eve of the Midterm elections. Ilana argues De Santis is a formidable figure for the 2024 Presidential race with the uncanny, practical ability to govern pragmatically in accordance with constitutional, first principles.
David argues that Trump is a formidable figure and that GOP voters could end up with a Trump/DeSantis joint ticket in 2024 and that would be the best of all worlds.
Turning to the great Climate con - COP 27 - hosted this year in Egypt, David expresses his frustration at the latest UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suggesting that events in Ukraine demonstrated the need to accelerate the rush to decarbonising our economies and hence returning us to the dark ages. Ilana points out that our current hydrocarbon energy sources are not only incredibly efficient but environmentally pristine and are the foundation for both global prosperity and environmental husbandry
Also available on:
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AvzJckkDQe5t/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Hard_Truth:0
Podcast: https://hardtruthwithdavidvanceandilanamercer.podbean.com
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
PM Rishi Sunak Owned By Globalists; Democrats Owned By The Devil
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
In our latest Hard Truth, David and ilana question why the GOP establishment, even the MAGA candidates, WON'T EXPOSE AND LABEL the DEMOCRATS FOR THE DEGENERATES THEY ARE. Ilana argues it is not enough to just talk about Inflation and gas prices. She suggests that many of them lack the courage to take the battle to the core of what the Dems are ALL ABOUT, BE IT pedophilia in the classroom; anti-White Critical Race Theory; the end of sovereign America and of all common decency. Attack is the best form of defense but ilana suggests this seems beyond the grasp of the GOP elite. David analyses the changing of the Prime Ministers in the UK, 3 in 4 months. He believes this is a coup d’état against the British people by ruthless globalists with the endgame of taking the UK back into the EU.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
In the latest Hard Truth, David and ilana highlight the out of control tyranny of the Democrats exemplified in Biden’s Philadelphia hate speech 2nd September, in which he identified 80 million Trump voters as domestic terrorists. ilana highlights the supine response from the Establishment GOP which fails to confront Biden’s hate speech and in many ways colludes with it against MAGA. At a time when young white kids are being beaten to a pulp in the classroom by a core Democrat supporter base, GOP cucks wring their hands, look away, and whine about “gasoline prices and inflation.” The tragic irony is that the US is being turned into a place where criminal aliens are gifted with civil rights lawyers, as January 6th political prisoners are left to rot behind bars. And that’s a very hard truth indeed.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Monarchy in Mourning - but did Queen Elizabeth Drop The Ball?
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
In the latest Hard Truth, Ilana commiserates with David on the death of UK Monarch for 70 years Queen Elizabeth. Constitutional Monarchy is imperfect, David argues, but it has served the UK well. Ilana explained that such has been the corruption of the US Constitutional Republic that this explains some of the antipathy towards the British Royal Family on social media. Both ilana and David agreed that the fine sentiments in Queen's first Christmas broadcast have not been lived up by Her late Majesty. Pretty words without action do not cut up
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
From Iron Lady to Party Girl – individualism vs feminism
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
In the latest Hard Truth, David and ilana tackle the staggering decline of the quality of female political leaders. From the UK’s Iron Lady the great Maggie Thatcher to Finland’s pouting Party Girl Sanna Marin, why has it all gone so badly wrong? Ilana captured the essence of Lady Thatcher years ago when she observed that Thatcher was an individualist, not a feminist. By contrast Sanna Marin is a feminist not an individualist. David argues that feminism has destroyed any merit in female political leaders and more than a few XY ones! ilana and David both agree that it is unfortunate that women ever got the vote as the feminisation of politics and ilana bravely agreed to give up her vote if the whole thing could be undone! As a final topic, the role of Donald Trump is going along with the lockdowns was discussed and ilana and David agreed that Republican need to stop being so uncritical about his role in the destruction of the economy back then.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Roe v Wade overturned: Should we care if US Medusas abort?
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
In the latest Hard Truth, David and ilana tackle the US Supreme Court Overturning of Roe Vs Wade with their unique perspectives. Ilana challenges : “Let progressive women—especially the fulminating fiends rioting across the country—suction their wombs for all I care. As evolutionary psychologist Ed Dutton has suggested, “Some people voluntarily resigning from the gene pool is a good thing.” David had sympathy with this view but is worried that Moloch worship is alive and well in America. He believes that life is sacred and protecting it is important. David and ilana agree that the conservative movement makes a mistake by overly focusing on this issue.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Save Your Kids--Get Them The Hell Out Of US Schools!
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
In the aftermath of the Ulvade school massacre, with 19 children and two teachers dead, the Stupid Party says, “Just arm the teachers.” You want to train and arm teachers and faculty staff members to protect your kids? Have you seen what falls under the category “teacher”? Seen the people who zealously inculcate ungrammatical pronoun illiteracy? Who promote and make systemic anti-white racism and exotic age-inappropriate sexuality? Have you seen these mountains of flesh videoing themselves gyrating obscenely? The same “dedicated” pedagogues who took two years off for COVID?! David and ilana tackle some very hard truths but finish with a light hearted insight on the hardest truth of them all"
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday May 26, 2022
2-Party Pox: The Republicans Suck AND The Democrats Want To Kill You
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
In last week’s “Hard Truth” podcast—David Vance, ilana Mercer and guest Jack Kerwick (introduced here https://rumble.com/v15a75f-tucker-cancels-gop-so-should-you-republicans-have-done-nothing-to-defend-yo.html) cancelled the Grand Old Party (GOP). And on good grounds. The Republican Party HAS never stood up for you, WILL never stand up for you and is NOT going to do what it takes. Past is prologue.
As Dr. Boyd Cathey has observed (https://barelyablog.com/national-review-conservatism-as-ugly-as-the-promulgators/ ), the “party which never conserves anything” had been exposed as such as far back as 1875. “The great Southern author, Robert Lewis Dabney, writing a decade after the end of the War Between the States … expressed presciently this tendency of dominant, post-war Northern conservatism”:
The history of the Republican Party is “that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is to-day one of the accepted principles of conservatism.” https://barelyablog.com/national-review-conservatism-as-ugly-as-the-promulgators/
Some questions, however, lingered. Were we and our guest, Dr. Kerwick, being too theoretically pure? Perhaps conservatives should just put up and shut up about the Only Game in Town? Succinctly put by a viewer and reader:
“Yup! The Republicans suck. But the Democrats want to kill me.”
To that, David provided the perfectly plain answer, as is his wont. WATCH. So did Andrew Breitbart. WATCH AND SUBSCRIBE. David and ilana also get down to some "Monkey Business." Look, “Monkey Pox” is not a worry. All you have to do is avoid Biblically prohibited copulation. But beware! The Powers, however, do want to make “Monkey Pox” a lockdown affair.
(Oh, last week, https://rumble.com/v15a75f-tucker-cancels-gop-so-should-you-republicans-have-done-nothing-to-defend-yo.html, ilana went with a woke aesthetic, as viewers of the “Hard Truth” podcast told her bluntly. So, no more unwashed hair on this May 26, 2022 “Hard Truth” episode. Ilana cleaned up "good," as they'd say in the South.)
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday May 19, 2022
Tucker Cancels GOP, So Should You: ‘Republicans Have Done Nothing To Defend YOU.’
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
In his June 20, 2020 monologue, Tucker Carlson, for practical purposes, cancelled the Republican Party: “Property was looted, people were beaten and killed and Republicans joined the side doing the looting, beating and killing. President of the Heritage Foundation and think tanks on the right climbed into … law enforcement and ordinary Americans, calling them racists, ignoring the damage done to their property and person.”
Jack Kerwick has been anatomizing the ConOink establishment failures and betrayals for over a decade: https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/attheintersectionoffaithandculture/2021/01/post-2020-the-time-for-nevergop.html, “in the country bequeathed to us by the generation that, in the midst of a smallpox epidemic, fought and defeated the most powerful empire in the world in order to be a self-governing union of sovereign states—subjected itself to a nationwide internment. The United State of America became the Interned States of America as the Constitution of the Old Republic was indefinitely revoked, the economy crushed, and ‘the little platoons’—as Burke referred to those buffers between the individual and the State, those forms of community constitutive of civil society and in the absence of which human flourishing would be impossible—were radically undermined. … And all of this occurred in a country with a Republican President, a Republican-controlled Senate, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees, and a majority of whose state legislatures and governors are Republican.”
HARD TRUTH’S David Vance and ilana Mercer speak to Jack about the irreparably hopeless Republican Racket. RIP, GOP.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
JACK KERWICK earned his doctorate degree in philosophy from Temple University. His areas of specialization are ethics and political philosophy, with a particular interest in classical conservatism. His work has appeared in both scholarly journals and popular publications, and he has authored at least 4 books which you can find on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Books-Jack-Kerwick/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AJack+Kerwick Jack has been teaching philosophy for nearly 17 years at a variety of institutions. He is currently an instructor of philosophy at Rowan College at Burlington County.

Thursday May 12, 2022
Ukraine’s Azov Brigade: Nazis Or Just Nationalists?
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
ON HARD TRUTH this week, David Vance and ilana Mercer are joined by Nebojsa Malic to discuss his RT column, “Western media clubs together to white-wash Ukrainian Neo-Nazis.” Ilana questions the Nazi designation attached to the Azov Brigade, suggesting that, if Azov are not engaged in pulpable acts of violence against the traditional Nazi victims and other ethnics, and are merely a military battalion fighting in the Russia-Ukraine arena---then the Nazi insignia and paraphernalia are irrelevant. These symbols then fall into the category of ritual, impolite speech, thought crimes, the kind the Left is always criminalizing the Right for. Nebojsa and David counter with facts to the contrary. All have a jolly good time. Join us and SUBSCRIBE.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Website: www.ilanamercer.com
NEBOJSA MALIC is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for Antiwar.comfrom 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Telegram @TheNebulator and on Twitter @NebojsaMalic

Thursday May 05, 2022
The US Plan To Bleed Russia Dry
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
ON HARD TRUTH this week, David Vance and ilana Mercer are joined by a fearless and learned dissident scholar, DR. BOYD D. CATHEY, for a wide-ranging discussion on the US plan to bleed Russia dry. While the Americans, from their Ukrainian-manned vantage points, seem willing to fight to the last Ukrainian; Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has vowed that Russia “would never accept the global village under the command of the American sheriff.”
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Website: www.ilanamercer.com
- BOYD D. CATHEYearned an MA in history at the University of Virginia (as a Thomas Jefferson Fellow), and a doctorate in history and political philosophy at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. He did additional studies in theology and philosophy in Switzerland. He was State Registrar of the North Carolina State Archives before retiring in 2011. He writes forThe Unz Review, The Abbeville Institute, Confederate Veteran magazine, The Remnant, and other publications in the United States and Europe on a variety of topics, including politics, religion and culture.
BOYD’S WEBSITE: https://boydcatheyreviewofbooks.blogspot.com/
BOYD On The Unz Review: https://www.unz.com/article/the-illusion-of-liberal-democracy-americas-long-record-of-destruction-continues/

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
True Story; Russia finds WMD in Ukraine
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
The masses crave an opiate. Leaders know how to exploit this quest for group-think. As soon as the usefulness of one faith (Covid) expires; another takes its place (Ukraine), courtesy of the ruling elites, and with the willing complicity of the crowds. Now that Covid conformity has been replaced with the requirement that we all find religion on Ukraine, asap, David and Ilana turn to debunking the bunk.
The finding of American-installed WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Ukraine, near the Russian border, is certainly a reminder of the extent, the depth and the gravity of the American State’s lies about this conflict and its genesis. Put it this way: If Russia had American privileges—the right to invade sovereign countries while retaining its virtue—the biowarfare laboratories located in Ukraine near Russian borders would have served as a justification for war.
David and ilana abhor what is, on its face, a Russian war of aggression. However, knowing the history of the conflict leaves no room for doubt: The Russian Bear was poked, and poked and then some.
“Hard Truth” takes you back to 2006…
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Russia To US On Ukraine: Pot. Kettle. Black.
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
There is a ton of hypocrisy on the “news” networks about Putin's savagery. He's savage alright, and his is a war of aggression. But how dare we? Remember a little Iraqi boy with the charred torso? (https://www.ilanamercer.com/2003/04/murder-by-majority/) Uncle Sam did that. What about this little armless Iraqi child and thousands like him? Did Putin disarm him? https://www.ilanamercer.com/2003/04/on-pimps-and-presstitutes/ LOOK at little Shakira, a Pakistani tot “burned beyond recognition by a U.S. drone and left for dead in a trashcan.” https://www.ilanamercer.com/2012/02/bho-uncle-sams-assassin/
David Vance and ilana mercer almost lose their lunch over the sanctimony and hypocrisy evinced by the media, right and left, over Putin’s apparent “unparalleled” brutality. ©David Vance indicts the not-to-be-believed presstitutes who should be embedded with both sides to a conflict, but, instead, are in-bed with Ukraine.
Having sat out the 67 and 73 wars in Israeli bomb shelters —©Ilana Mercer anatomizes some features of old-school diplomacy and statesmanship utterly absent from the repertoire of both Presidents Joe Biden and that ass with ears, Volodymyr Zelensky. Both are a disgrace and a failure.
This is “Hard Truth” you’ll hear nowhere else.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Truck You, Trudeau!
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
As the eponymous title of this show promises, David Vance and ilana Mercer dish out the HARD TRUTH about the emergency situation unraveling in Canada. Although our side won the first round—dicktator Justine Trudeau having caved and revoked the unconstitutional emergency powers seized for no good reason—the battle is just beginning. We are not afraid to say it is part of a war on whites.
Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty across the West, was purely class based. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind-spot papered-over by our conservative side. But it is an unspoken reality; white-hot hatred of whites colors almost every crisis in the Anglosphere. We believe that the crackdown in Canada is antiwhite and that such an assertion is axiomatically true.
It was self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out. Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he has done, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working, praying trucker families if this protest were brown and black in sizeable numbers? Please!
Do you think that the “man,” Justine, would have labeled the truckers as racists, extremists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers if a good chunk of them were brown and black? Neva! That the bias that dare not speak its name is in operation is self-evidently true.
One of the leaders of the trucker movement is Tamara Lich, who “is of Métis heritage.” Our North American First Nations, we are told, were in Ottawa, beating the drums and chanting for freedom. Our Amerindians, “conservatism’s perennial piñata,” whose influence over our politics is pitifully negligible, still drum for freedom, somehow maintaining their hatred of the oppressive federal authorities, stateside and in Canada.
Imagine if Donald Trump had declared a state of emergency under the U.S. National Emergencies Act during the 2020 race riots. Imagine how the degenerate progressives who framed BLM-wrought destruction as a form of national cleansing and renewal would have reacted. Some of us had actually called for bringing in the Feds to uphold natural rights, on the grounds that “protection of natural rights trumps federalism.” But nothing materialized. Trump left law and order up to states and localities. He and the useless GOP led us to believe that if we expected our natural right to live unmolested by mobs be upheld; we Deplorables would need to move to states like Florida or South Dakota.
Trudeau, on the other hand, centralized and militarized police powers. He outlawed peaceful, constitutional civil disobedience. He proceeded to de-person people whose protest was idyllically peaceful. He denied them due process of the law. You can say that Trudeau has implemented the January 6 playbook in Canada. Writes Julie Kelly:
“What the Trudeau regime is now unleashing against the truckers and their supporters has been underway in America for more than a year. Using January 6 as a pretext, the Biden regime is brandishing its authority to crush political dissent. Now, it appears Trudeau and his apparatchiks are stealing the U.S. Justice Department’s playbook of power and pain.”
Supporting our thesis outlined at the onset is that, “Biden, like Trudeau, refers to protesters as ‘white supremacists’ and Nazis …” If people who are “properly” diverse had been among the Jan. 6 crowd in significant numbers, Biden would not have dared. Ditto Trudeau.
So, how do we hate thee, Justine Trudeau? David and ilana count the ways and the whys.
David Vance:
https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Ilana Mercer:
Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Neocons, Neolibs & NATO Inch Us Closer To Nuclear War With Russia
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
With central and eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by the NATO alliance, Russia has legitimate security concerns. Abutting its border, Russia will soon have to endure all NATO members carrying out military maneuvers. And as we know so well, NATO and its paymaster, America, would never-ever dream of regime change. It's not like the US (which controls NATO) has done regime change before, right? David and ilana take you back to the 1990s, when it all began, except, that back then, leadership such as that of Reagan and Gorbachev understood what was at stake, and worked against Cold War and toward détente.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance,
https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE & https://www.altnewsmedia.net/
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer, www.ilanamercer.com

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
The Good, The Bad, The Eternally Boosted & The Plain Annoying
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
The Good in our HARD TRUTH video this week is tennis champ Novak Djokovic and the congregants of Beth Israel synagogue in Texas. The Bad are the FBI and the Jihadis they seldom thwart. The Plain Annoying is Anus Kanter Freedom and his cause célèbre. And about the Pharma-State’s plan to boost us forever after: feasible.
David and ilana dissect.
David Vance:
https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
Ilana Mercer:
Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Exporting Wokeism
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Synopsis: America has made a habit of exporting democracy at the point of the bayonet. While not as lethal, cultural trends and products exported can be toxic, too. They, moreover, displace and contaminate indigenous cultures. For example: Wokeism is made in America, is entirely toxic, and, sadly, suffers no supply chain disruptions in its spread. Wokeism is a product of a distorted and deformed American marketplace of ideas. Alas, there is always a libertarian who imagines a free and vibrant marketplace of ideas worthy of defending, where there is only coercions and cruelty. “The woke movement could be the next great U.S. cultural export—and it is going to do many other countries some real good,” waxes Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University.
David and ilana dissect.
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
David and ILANA want to hear from you.

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Extradited! Why Assange Fears Being ‘Epsteined’
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
If America's so free and fair why is Julian Assange, innocent in natural law, terrified of being extradited to the United States? And why is journalist Glenn Greenwald safer living abroad, after helping Edward Snowden, now in Russia, expose Surveillance State USA? Heroes living abroad for fear of America? Time perhaps to shut up about China?
DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all, “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana have united to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE
ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fabulous bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Website: https://www.ilanamercer.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
David and ILANA want to hear from you and will answer all your questions right HERE.

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Charlottesville: Being White, RIGHT & Rightless‑-No Speech, No Assembly; No Safety
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
HARD TRUTH with David Vance and ilana mercer talks to Anne Wilson Smith, author of “Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right.” This is BIG, folks—a Big Soviet Lie à la America. The 2017 rally in Virginia to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee was sabotaged from the top. The tinpot authorities (city, state, and police at all levels) sabotaged the rights of those with a permit (Unite the Right) to assemble and speak unharmed, while letting the feral forces of Antifa and BLM—the military arm of the Democrat Party—run wild. Commissioned by the city, a report by a distinguished law firm confirms the “failures.”
David and ilana also delve controversially—naturally —into the assault on speech by Jewish organizations and activists, who seem intent on stymying styles of speech, such as the use of hyperbole, and the deployment of the reductio ad absurdum argument to make a point.
Time stamp :20:30: "Deandre Harris did not knocked someone unconscious" and I should have said it was one of his entourage
Charlottesville Untold
Inside Unite the Right
Connect with ilana:
Subscribe to weekly column: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Podcast: https://HardTruthWithDavidVanceAndilanaMercer.podbean.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gab: https://gab.com/ILANAMERCER
Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
Comment On Blog Posts: https://barelyablog.com/
Connect with David:
Face Mask Exempt Badge *Free UK Delivery*
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Dorsey out, even more Woke in; and the OMG! variant whacks the West
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
South Africa has practiced and modeled good science and good sense in detecting, assessing and sequencing the Omicron variant of COVID-19. Or, as we’ve dubbed it here, the “OMG! Variant.”
The cretins at the helm of the international COVID cartel, based in DC, were having none of it. Ethics and efficacy be dammed, they suspended travel to and from a poor nation, South Africa, which, unlike China—free to spread disease with impunity—is incapable of retaliating. For this and much more; David and ilana think The West is a disgrace.
David has been banned by Jack Dorsey’s Twitter; ilana is shadow-banned and throttled. But for the Wokerati, Dorsey is just not woke enough. Enter Parag Agrawal. Twitter’s new CEO is even less wedded to the First Amendment of the US Constitution than Dorsey. Agrawal, whose ideas about American liberty come from Stanford, Microsoft and Mumbai, thinks his role is to make public discourse healthier. Oh, for the days when businessmen stuck to their mandate: doing business.
Connect with ilana:
Subscribe to weekly column: https://www.ilanamercer.com/mailing-list/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Podcast: https://HardTruthWithDavidVanceAndilanaMercer.podbean.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Gab: https://gab.com/ILANAMERCER
Rumble: https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
Comment On Blog Posts: https://barelyablog.com/
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
FDA Makes Fools Of Pfizer ‘Clot-Shot’ Recipients; Candace Kneecaps Caucasians
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to release the data upon which it relied to license Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine by the year … 2076, over the course of the next 55 years!! What this means is that the FDA has de facto classified this data, belatedly requested, via the Freedom of Information Act by “more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown.”
Candace Owens delivers a knee-capping of a different kind to an exceedingly vulnerable Caucasian America. To wit, Darrell Brooks is the black supremacist who used his vehicle to mow down and murder white grannies and grandkids parading in Waukesha, Wisconsin. But if you dared to consider the race of Brooks in a hate crime motivated by race—you were boorishly berated by Owens as “brainwashed!”
HARD TRUTH with David Vance and ilana mercer debates these and other thorny issues and wishes a happy Thanksgiving to our American Hard Truthers!
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Take Your Medicine, Little Man, Or Lose Your Meal Ticket
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Hard Truth with David Vance and ilana mercer teases out the difference between British and American vaccine-mandate tyranny: The US loses. And, it’s not even close! W.H.O. redefines what vaccines are whilst Pfizer produces a Pill less effective than Ivermectin, costs vastly more, yet works in the same way! Finally, Greta Thunberg goes death metal!
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Did you know that the more efficient the source of energy, the less waste and pollution are involved in its conversion into energy? Think of the totality of the production process! The fewer resources expended in bringing a fuel to market, the cleaner and cheaper is the process. This is why gasoline is such a glorious resource. BUT, gaseous President Joe Brandon and the Limousine liberals at COP26, in Glasgow, prefer to clear cut land, to make ways for that “apex predator,” the killer en masse of birds: the wind turbine.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, boasts about having created two classes of people in her diabolical democracy: the unvaccinated (villains all) and the vaccinated (virtuous).
An Austrian chancellor reveals his plans to place Austria’s unvaccinated under house arrest.
Stateside, Noam Chomsky, a progressive “intellectual,” wants to see the unvaccinated reduced by the state to a "Hunger Games" type fight to survive: sequestered, waiting till dark to scrounge for scraps.
And, Republicans? They prattle about religious exemptions (state granted!) and natural-immunity based exemptions (state granted!)---but they have not the vaguest urge to defend the natural, God-given right of self-ownership. These and more Hard Truth with David Vance and ilana mercer.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
All Empires collapse, has the West reached tipping point, and if so, why?
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Are we living in the last days of Rome? What role has Christianity played in bringing this about? Hard Truth confronts the unarguable fact that western civilisation is warping out of recognition. ilana and David ask why.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Think you’ve heard it all about medicrat Anthony Fauci? Well, there are a few things you still don’t know about foolish Fauci. That’s because ALL other news analysts, left and right, have an agenda. Hard Truth’s only agenda is unvarnished, non-partisan truth.
10,598 Americans died between March 5 and April 5, 2020 (see: https://covidtracking.com/data/national/deaths), very likely because Fauci warned them, then, against purchasing the N95 mask. “Don’t you dare,” terrorized Gnome, MD. As noted here https://www.ilanamercer.com/2020/04/kung-flu-killer-right-bureaucrats/: “Kung Flu is a killer, all right, but so are the bureaucrats.”
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
David Vance Podcast:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
In Praise Of Whipping Horsemen: To Whip Or To Rein Is Not The Question
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Heroic horsemen rode to the rescue at Del Rio, along the US-Mexico border. Republicans could’ve whipped open-border degenerate Democrats with a principled case for sovereignty and self-defense, such as border-patrol horsemen were exercising. Instead, the Right chose to beat around the bush, sweating the redundant details: “Was it a whip or a rein?” Who cares, when our border-patrol heroes were doing the work of the Lord! David and ilana bring Hard Truth to the border.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
With Friends Like Gen. Mark Benedict Milley, America Doesn’t Need Enemies!
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
David and ilana marvel at the institutional tolerance in the United States—among spineless Republicans, especially—for Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: In the dying days of the Trump presidency, Milley is alleged to have contacted the Chinese to promise them he’d give them plenty notice if the United States were to attack them. Azimuths (https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Azimuths) and all, presumably. Finally, pundits are using the “T” word; pundits, but not Republicans on Capitol Hill.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
Alt News Media: (Donate): https://www.altnewsmedia.net/donate
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
In Canada, Justin Trudeau gets pelted by enraged Canadians; Dr Fauci is directly linked to the frankenstein science in the Wuhan lab; US Army has lost its purpose which is defending the homeland. All empires over stretch, then collapse.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
Alt News Media: (Donate): https://www.altnewsmedia.net/donate
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Afghanistan: Bringing the Military-Industrial-Complex Home
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
Thursday Aug 26, 2021
"Who exactly are those “trapped” Americans living, up until now, in Afghanistan? The military-industrial-complex! David and ilana break it down. To paraphrase Randolph Bourne, war is the health of the State—and the statists.
As the skittish media hounds and the politicians, stateside, gnash teeth and beat on breast over Afghanistan, HARD Truth also examines how less hysterical countries, abutting Afghanistan, are acting calmly in their national interest.
Connect with ilana:
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/ilanaMercer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilana.mercer.author
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ILANAMERCERAuthor/featured
Connect with David:
Social Media:
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance
Parler: https://parler.com/#/user/DavidVance
Gab: https://gab.com/DavidVance
Telegram: https://telegram.org/@DavidVance1
Alt News Media: (Donate): https://www.altnewsmedia.net/donate
A Tangled Web: https://www.atangledweb.org

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Yes, we know it was chaos but then again there was no good way to leave that dusty hellhole. The best thing about Biden’s decisive Afghanistan departure was that he angered the girls and the “girly boys” of the networks as much as he infuriated the jingoists at Fox News. How good is that?! As always, we do get serious, and dish-out hard, immutable truths, so listen up!

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Hard Truth examines the wishy-washy work of anti-Trump, pro-censorship softie Douglas Murray and finds there is not much there. Little Lord Fauntleroy is intellectually naked.

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
In Sweden the military rally beneath the LGBTQ flag, saying this they will defend. But their primary purpose is to defend their borders and their people but they refuse to do that. WHY is the western military so emasculated? Might it be the feminine touch?

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
January 6 Committee: Menstrual America Vs. MAGA America
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
David Vance and Ilana Mercer expose the hard truth about the Jan 6th show trials. There was no insurrection then but there is an inversion of reality now and we spell the dangers out.

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Bearded Men Breast Feeding In Public: Paternal Or Kinky?
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Mum is no longer the word. Something’s not quite right here. David and ilana unpack

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
South Africa experiences horrendous violence but what lessons can we take from this? English football fans painted as "racist" for daring to boo millionaire footballers.